Throwing Some Shade

Do you enjoy sitting under the shade of a tree on a hot day? Who wouldn’t? Did you know that the coolness that you experience there is more than just from the shade? Trees actually release water vapor into the surrounding air, lowering the temperature. This is...

Taking Care Of Your Appliances

Do you know how much it costs to get every appliance that you need for your home? If you start adding them all up, you’d probably be surprised at the cost, especially if you are getting quality appliances directly from a store. Considering that, wouldn’t you agree...

Keeping The Basement Dry

Do you know what a sump pump is? You might have heard of it, you might even be aware your home has one, but what does it actually do? The answer is that it keeps water from intruding into your home from the ground. This is a common problem for homes that are lying low...

The Dangerous Twister

Being caught in a tornado is one of the scariest things that nature can throw at you. The force of the winds can cause terrible damage and the destruction that follows a tornado can be heartbreaking. Tornado warning systems have improved greatly over the years, but...

That Little Bit Of Extra Cleaning

There are many things that you can do to protect yourself against COVID-19 infection, but one of the most important things that you need to be diligent about is handwashing and cleaning. We use our hands for everything, and if you are outside your home, there is a...

What You Can Do At Home

Could you have imagined yourself spending as much time at home as you are doing now just a few months ago? For many around the country, this has been a time of sheltering in place or using similar methods for preventing the spread of the Coronavirus, but this has led...