A Safe Stair

Having stairs in your home adds a danger to your life. While you might not think it is a big deal, for young children and elderly ones, stairs are one of the most dangerous places they could be. Falls down stairs cause injuries and deaths every year. To make sure this...

Snakes In Your Garden

Throughout the country there are many different types of snakes, some of them harmful, others not. While snakes have a bad reputation, the large majority are not harmful to humans, and even those that are poisonous aren’t always aggressive. Snakes do serve a purpose...

Cleaning Your Pipes Without Damaging Them

What do you do for a clog? The choice of many homeowners in the past has been to use a drain cleaning chemical, but these have many serious drawbacks. They can damage your pipes and cause leaks, they are bad for the environment, and they are devastating when they end...

Are Trees Your Friends Or Enemies?

Having trees in your backyard is very nice for a homeowner. They provide shade and coolness, both for you and your home. They can protect you from the wind, and they improve the way your yard looks. Unfortunately, just like with most things in life, there are some...

Safely Enjoying A Deck

Sitting on a deck and enjoying a sunset can be a wonderful thing. Many homeowners enjoy spending time on their deck with friends and family, especially on a comfortable summer evening. However, is your deck a safe place to be? If it wasn’t built properly, the answer...

Hardwood Floors – Or Are They?

Wood floors are very beautiful, and they can add a lot of atmosphere to any home. They do, however, come with a premium price-tag. Therefore, are there any alternatives? One is engineered flooring. It consists of high quality plywood that has been covered with a thin...

Making A Hard Material Brittle

You might think that rust is not an issue for your home since you don’t have any exposed metal, but that is not true. Even if you don’t have a metal roof or metal siding, there are thousands of nails and screws throughout your home, as well as, metal rebar inside of...

Defending Your Home Against Dangers

What is the defensible space around your home? Simply put, it’s an area where you have cleared away anything that could make it easier for wind and fire to damage your home. Your defensible space can be divided into 3 zones. The area within 15 feet of your home should...

Caring For Elderly In Your Home

If you have elderly ones living in your home, you are probably concerned with their welfare. Caring for aging parents can be very stressful, and it is not made any easier if they were to get hurt, so you should do your best to make sure your home is as safe as...

Maintaining Your Home

Do you maintain your home well? Some of us are very handy at taking care of the day to day needs of our homes, while others don’t know where to start or what to do. Fortunately, you can find help very easily. If you do a search for a sample maintenance schedule for...